Operating in compliance with the advice, recommendations and instructions issued by Ontario Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Timiskaming Health Unit for Preventing COVID-19
Please re-schedule your appointment if you have any of the following symptoms or reasons:
• Fever (temperature of 37.8/100.0F or higher) and/or chills
• Cough (new or worsening)
• Shortness of breath
• Decrease or loss of taste or smell
• For children (<18 years old): nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
• For adults (>18 years old): fatigue, lethargy, malaise and/or myalgias
A doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told you that your should currently be isolating.
You have been in "close contact" of someone who currently has covid-19, in the last 14 days.
You received a COVID Alert exposure notification on your cell phone in the last 14 days
(and have not been tested or waiting for your results).
If anyone you live with is currently experiencing any new COVID-19 symptoms and/or waiting for
test results after experiencing symptoms.
Masks are optional.
Timsikaming Health Unit 705-647-4305 Ext.7 or Telehealth Ontario 1-866-747-0000