Global Soul Offering

What is Elemental Healing™?

Elemental Healing™ is a new energy healing modality that brings you into communication with the consciousness of Mother Earth and her elemental kingdoms for greater health, healing and empowerment. The system was created in 2019 by Calista and George Lizos from their personal experiences with the nature beings as well as nature's direct teachings.  
Receiving a treatment of Elemental Healing™ can create profound shifts in your consciousness, and can support you to feel more focused, confident and connected to your intuitive self. A session of Elemental Healing™ may include hands-on healing, guided meditations, energy attunements and a catered variety of spiritual practices to help joy, health, love and abundance to flow freely in your life. As energy is drawn from the primal elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit you'll invariably feel in greater balance and harmony with life following a treatment, and may enjoy a deeper affinity with nature, too. 
Elemental Healing is undergoing formal registration and is the first nature-based healing system to draw from all the elements and elementals of nature. It was created to support both personal and planetary ascension. 
What is involved in Elemental Healing™ treatment? 
Each treatment of Elemental Healing™ is as sacred as it is profound with sessions catered to meet the intentions of the recipient. In each treatment, a trained practitioner connects with the appropriate elements and elemental energies to meet their client's needs and to bring about health, healing and empowerment where it's best needed, be that on a physical or non-physical level.
Certified Elemental Healing™ Practitioner Terri Ann Radiance offers In Person and Distance Elemental Healing™ Treatments and Meditations for individuals and groups at various locations. Recommendations ~ Bring your awareness to your heart centre, connect with your breath and set your intention. Have purified water with you to receive the blessings of high vibrational energy activating your water. 
Drinking plenty of water after your treatment will help you ground, hydrate and feel connected as you flow through the rest of your day and week with ease and grace. Setting time aside to journal your experience awakens your awareness to all that you have received and supports you in revisiting this resonance. 

Global Soul Offering ~
Received in the comfort of your home, live on zoom or in person.

If you are preparing for a Virtual Session, find a comfortable place that is private and quiet. You may wish to create a sacred space by having fresh flowers, candles, essential oils and relaxing music. Invite your body, heart and mind into receptivity.

$133/45 min.

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